Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Shout Out to Baby Sis...

Well with the insane amount of renovations we've done to the house the kitchen was one area that I decided I could do some surface changes to and get by for a few years. Of major concern was the dark, out-dated cabinets. In need of a craft idea, never fear, baby sister to the rescue. Creative C lived up to her nickname when she came up with this idea to spruce up my kitchen cabinets. While she wasn't thrilled with my color scheme choice, I am over the moon with the look thus far.

Here's what we started with...
Here's where we are today...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Winning Season...

With dance winding down, you'd think we'd have ourselves a little free time. NOT SO. Where one kid leaves off another picks right up. Z-man took on summer ball at the ball park. This year he moved up to play with the older boys and found out what "real" baseball is like. Although it was a little intimidating at the beginning of the season he warmed up quickly and really enjoyed his time on the field. A few good lessons learned...

The key to good fielding... Always be ready!

If you want to get a hit...Keep your eye on the ball!

And all the hard work pays off when the Braves end the season as the league champions!

Every good player needs his own fan club.