I have a great boss and to prove it, I got my Christmas present early this year. I've spent the last four weeks looking for a new casual winter coat. Something that I can throw on with a pair of blue jeans. I've shopped and tried on until I want to scream and so far have been unsuccessful in finding anything that fit right, was the right color and was in my price range. That was until Wednesday when Creative C and Antlerman showed up at the office with an adorable aqua blue coat with matching accessories. Fit perfectly, looks great and I didn't have to pay for it. Now that's definately within my budget. Of course I was thrilled last night that we were having our ladies meeting and I had the perfect opportunity to show off my new outerwear. So I got myself all dolled up, and completed the look with my adorable new coat and accessories and headed off to church. Since I've talked it up so much I thought maybe I should let you see for yourself...
Keep in mind, this picture was taken AFTER we got home.
You look like the old woman off of HeeHaw who wore the price tag on her hat.
Super Cute!!! oh.... are you going to put a little bedazzle on it???? LOL
I actually have two comments--Creative C, you make meal feel REALLY old, not knowing "Minnie Pearl" off the top of your head
And about the tag....didn't the rapper type people go through a phase a few years ago of keeping the tags on the hats they were wearing backwards? You are just starting a new trend! (Really cute coat, by the way)
i just wanna make sure everyone has to no what i live with?!!!
:O helpp!
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