Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chess Anyone...
For those of you who aren't aware, Rahel graciously agreed to take over Zachary's cub scout den this year as they were without a male role model to lead them. Our fearless cubmaster gave him training and direction as to the best way to run his meetings. One suggestion was that he find an activity that he could consistenly use at the meetings as a time filler. Rahel, in all his wisdom, chose chess. Now let me just say I had my doubts. Let's face it, in our fast paced world of video games and computer chat rooms, what appeal could chess hold for seven 10 year olds. Never let it be said that I won't admit when I'm wrong. The boys absolutely love it and insist that they be allowed "chess time" during each meeting. Zman is so into the game that he asked for a chess set for his birthday. I can't imagine anyone will be surprised to learn that Nana and Papa fulfilled that request. This is a frequent sight at our house. At least twice a week the board comes and and Papa takes not prisoners.
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