This winter DitzyDanzer has been completely obsessed with the Twilight series. She read the first book in three days. In case you aren't familiar with the latest tween heart throb, his name is Edward Cullen and he's a vampire. When DitzyDanzer asked to read the book, my first instinct was to forbid it. The entire premise of the series is a mortal 16 year old girl who falls passionately in love with a vampire, albeit a "vegetarian" (his family only drinks animal blood). As mom I would certainly prefer that she get out her Little House on the Praire books and become enamoured with Walnut Grove. She of course was not interested in that trade. So I did a little research and decided that there were certainly bigger battles that I would eventually need to win. So I conceded on books one, two and three. When it came to four I was faced with one of those "bigger" battles. You see, Bella and Edward are finally married and as a married couple, sex becomes a part of the story line. At my sisters' encouragement. I picked up book four and read it cover to cover before allowing DitzyDanzer to read it. To my utter amazement it was actually a good read. It is by no means a literary masterpiece but it is a story that pulls you in and has you cheering for the "good" vampires. So when the movie came out this weekend I bought DitzyDanzer a copy and she and I had some quality mother/daughter time last night watching it together. I'll be honest and say I would prefer that we read Little Women together but at least this is some common ground that we can enjoy together and even carry on a conversation about and believe me when I say that becomes harder and harder every day.
1 comment:
let the records show..."TWILIGHT ROCKS!"
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