So if you visit the blog regularly you know that DitzyDanzer has been OBSESSED with the new Twilight series and a couple weekends ago we sat down to watch the movie together. I really enjoyed the movie but DitzyDanzer was adamant that the book was far and away better so thanks to a good friend who loaned me a copy, last night after everyone else went to bed I sat down to read for just a bit "until I got sleepy." At 2:30 am I forced myself to put the book down and go to bed. And let me just say, this old body ain't what it used to be. I don't know how I used to do it "back in the day" but my days of late nights and early mornings are obviously gone. It should be an "interested" day to say the least.
You love it don't you? I have all the books if you need to borrow them.
I know what you are saying... I have been doing the same thing. I'm getting the last two books this weekend.... They are sooo good!!!
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