Things have been crazy this spring for us but with graduation looming on the horizon I'm hoping things will begin to slow down a bit now. We got the 8th grade trip out of the way last week, spring concert wrapped up last and we've got our last dance competition for the year this weekend so we are definitely on the down hill side of the insanity.
As a little background, this spring Shelby worked on three pieces to take to solo and ensemble contest, a vocal solo, a vocal ensemble and a french horn solo then the week before contest she was bedridden with bronchitis. On Friday evening we had to make the heart wrenching decision to keep her home, based on her inability to walk from the sofa to the kitchen without breaking into a coughing fit. After ten weeks of preparation, sitting at home that Saturday was extremely difficult for her. All that work was not for naught as Roma allowed the girls to perform their ensemble last night. While it doesn't completely compensate for the disappointment it certainly helped ease her distress.

One of the things Shelby has enjoyed most in Jr High is her participation in the JCJH drum line. It really is quite impressive, we are very lucky to have an incredibly talented drum instructor working with the kids. This year's theme Kindergroovin'.

My favorite performance of the evening... a stirring rendition of
It is Well With My Soul by the concert band. Kudos Steve on another fabulous concert.