Monday, May 18, 2009

What do we do???

The question I pose to you today is this... "What do we do when our kids have the ability to dream big?" We raise our kids telling them they can be/do anything they want to do if they work hard and dream. So what do we do when they listen. When they have the ability to dream bigger than we can. Do we rain down on their parade and remind them of unimaginable odds and to "dream" more "realistically" or do we move heaven and earth to support them knowing in our hearts that in all likelihood its only a matter of time before the world crushes them. I don't want you to think I don't believe in my kids. I think they are both incredible people but as a practical mom (and isn't that the real question, do I even want to be a practical mom) the when the odds are so stacked against a happy ending, what do we do as parents?

Any pearls of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Browningblog said...

Hey Amy,
I think you need to try to dream as big as they do. I have seen things happen in my life that I never dreamed possible. I think every parent has this delima, you tell them "you can be anything you set your mind to" and then when they decide on something, it's just like "Oh my gosh". Start taking the baby steps to dream with them, find out what it's gonna take to get there, they may change their minds a million times on the way, or they may keep going until they get there.

One of my best friends daughter is an actress, she has been on tv and is doing a one-woman show in LA--she went to Charleston to school, one of my best friends from high school came very close to going into space and probably would have if he hadn't changed his mind about what he wanted(Carl Meinhart), Sharon Jackson's nephew has been in space several times. I know it's scary but you taught them that they can do anything-- now you gotta stand behind them, be ready to catch them when they fall but brave enough to let them fly. Remember--roots and wings--and you have given them both!