After 10 months of rehearsals, public appearances, competitions, and recital, the dance season is officially over for this year. Here are the official team pictures.

This year the tap team went acapella with a broadway-style tap number, Tap Tap.

DitzyDanzer's favorite number this year was Toy Soldier a modern hip hop style dance where they rocked the stage.

While DitzyDanzer has been taking Pointe classes for the past two years, this is the first year that they performed a pointe dance at recital. Who doesn't love Phantom's Music of the Night.

The jazz number is always a crowd pleaser, this years the girls' copped an attitude and struted their stuff to New York City Girl.

The most complex and elaborate dance each year is the team production number. It is always an extended routine, usually 7-8 minutes of high intensity dancing, tumbling and stunts. This year's theme, Tribal Revival. The dance itself is fascinating to watch. It starts very fun and light and by the time its over the girls have turned into warriors in battle.
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