Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Duck Hunter's Widow...
For those of you who know Superfreak, this will come as no surprise but his greatest passion in life is waterfowl hunting. From November 1 to January 31 he lives and breathes it. He tries to pretend like he has some control but the truth is he is completely OCD. To make matters worse, he is doing everything he can to insure that this disorder is passed along to the next generation.
This was Zman's first experience in the blind.
Here he is with today's kill. TG they don't expect me to "cook it up"!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Marathon - Day 2 - a Double Header
On Day 2 we enjoy two celebrations. We get up early in the morning and opening our family presents around the Christmas tree then celebrate with the Whitehurst clan. This year we added a dirty grab bag. Everyone brought a little something from home then we took turns either opening a gift or stealing someone else's. It was a great addition to the festivities, thanks for the inspiration Bookworm.
A meeting of the minds!
Aunt Debbie wins the award for most creative wrapping. This is taking "Going Green" to a whole new level!
Two HOT mamas!
Creative C and Antlerman got themselves a fabulous new addition to their Thanksgiving tablescape.
We're bringing Superfreak over to the dark side.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Marathon - Day 1
Christmas Eve... This is our day of leisure as we don't have to be at Superfreak's parents until late afternoon. Actually this just means everyone else sleeps in late and I run around a quiet house trying to finish up the last minute details before loading the car and heading to St. Louis where we spend the evening with Superfreak's family. Once the gifts are opened and everyone is thoroughly stuffed and exhausted, we load up the car and head home. Superfreak always drives the first 30 minutes with me chatting it up in the co-pilot's seat. Then somewhere between Lebanon and the interstate he'll announce that he's just too tired to drive. At which point we pull over, change places and he promptly falls asleep so that I get to finish the last two hours belting out Christmas carols to a sleeping family.
Boys will be boys...
Can anyone guess Zman's favorite gift?
DitzyDanzer uses her psychic abilities to guess this present.
Can you tell these two are related?
Max was obviously having a bad hair day... we won't even discuss the outfit.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wagy Candy Factory...
Every year just before the holidays Sassy Seamer pulls out her candy making supplies turns her kitchen into her own version of the Hershey plant. For the past five years Bookworm has gotten in on the action and this year Creative C and I were honored with an invitation to join them. So today, in the middle of an ice storm, everyone loaded up and braved the treacherous roads to meet at Sassy Seamer's for an afternoon of confectionary bliss. We were even blessed to have Rahel hang around and oversee the entire operation. What would we have done without him...
Creative C put lived up her to name as she spent hours doing the intricate work necessary to create these beautiful little masterpieces...
Notice that Rahel is giving C pointers on proper chocolate techniques...
Six hours and a mountain of dirty dishes later...
Six hours and a mountain of dirty dishes later...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hidden Talents...
After years of working in the flower shop, Sassy Seamer can make the most beautiful bows. She has tried repeatedly to teach me this skill with absolutely no success. Then to my utter amazement Ditzy Danzer asked Nana how she did it. After a 10-minute lesson and one practice bow, Ditzy Danzer is now my designated box maker. We have the most beautiful packages under our tree this year thanks to Ditzy Danzer.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The First Leon
This year our church's youth choir presented our Christmas program, The First Leon, Saturday night before our annual soup supper. The story is about a group of school kids so worried about presenting the perfect pageant that they have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone, that is, except for Leon, the school's science geek.
Meet Leon...

DitzyDanzer gives some advice to Leon on what it takes to be a star...

NoNonsense played the part of the school stud...

DitzyDanzer got to use some of her dance skills...

SuperFreak even got in on the action as our Tech Guy... (Note of interest, this is the same job that Creative C's 9 year old had in their program. No judgment, just an observation.)

And no great show happens without a GREAT director. Thanks Sally, we couldn't have done it without you!
Meet Leon...
DitzyDanzer gives some advice to Leon on what it takes to be a star...
NoNonsense played the part of the school stud...
DitzyDanzer got to use some of her dance skills...
SuperFreak even got in on the action as our Tech Guy... (Note of interest, this is the same job that Creative C's 9 year old had in their program. No judgment, just an observation.)
And no great show happens without a GREAT director. Thanks Sally, we couldn't have done it without you!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Girls' Day...
I happen to think one of a girls greatest luxury is her time at the salon. DitzyDanzer and I treated ourselves to a visit to Jess today for a little beauty pick-me-up. We both got ourselves a new cut and I suffered through the eyebrow waxing. DitzyDanzer had seriously been mulling over the idea for herself... she is obsessed with her eyebrows... OCD is apparently hereditary... however after watching exactly what happens she decided that the she'll continuing tweezing a bit longer. After that momentary torture we thoroughly enjoyed the next hour and a half of pampering and girl chat. Beauticians... a girl's best friend.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Star is Born...
Great Gift Gone Wrong
I have a great boss and to prove it, I got my Christmas present early this year. I've spent the last four weeks looking for a new casual winter coat. Something that I can throw on with a pair of blue jeans. I've shopped and tried on until I want to scream and so far have been unsuccessful in finding anything that fit right, was the right color and was in my price range. That was until Wednesday when Creative C and Antlerman showed up at the office with an adorable aqua blue coat with matching accessories. Fit perfectly, looks great and I didn't have to pay for it. Now that's definately within my budget. Of course I was thrilled last night that we were having our ladies meeting and I had the perfect opportunity to show off my new outerwear. So I got myself all dolled up, and completed the look with my adorable new coat and accessories and headed off to church. Since I've talked it up so much I thought maybe I should let you see for yourself...
Keep in mind, this picture was taken AFTER we got home.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Holiday Traditions... part 3
We couldn't possibly get through the season with the ever popular holiday baking and last night Shelby and I got started with some cookies for our Secret Sister Cookie Exchange tonight at church. I made a dainty lemon tea cookie and DitzyDanzer made her favorite, a Grandma Jackie original, Chocolate Crinkles. They are incredible. Zman and Scott were our taste testers and both recipies passed with flying colors. Not to be outdone by her grandaughter, Sassy Seamer whipped out these chocolate, pecan, carmel pieces of heaven.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Holiday Traditions... part 2
Monday, December 8, 2008
Holiday Traditions...
When Scott and I got married, what no one told me was that in addition to vast number of Wagy traditions, I would be expected to incorporated the Huschle traditions in my family also. One such tradition is St. Nick's Day. Had never even heard of it until Shelby Lou was born and my mother-in-law was appalled that I had "forgotten" DitzyDanzer's St. Nick's present. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about. The Huschle tradition is that on December 5 before heading to bed, you tuck your letter to Santa into your stocking and at some point in the night, Santa stops by, picks up your letter and fills your stocking. So each year I find myself backed into a corner and running around frantically picking up a few items at the last minute. A personal twist that Scott and I have incorporated is that each year on Dec. 6, in addition to the obligatory gifts, Santa leaves the kids a new ornament for our tree. I take finding the perfect ornament very seriously. I want the ornament to represent their lives for each year. This year I stumbled upon this bedazzled star for DitzyDanzer. She is after all our little star and ZMan got this adorable chubby Santa playing basketball. Take a guess what his sport of choice is right now...

Scott is dedicated supporter of the Hallmark ornament lines. This year he picked up a beautiful ballerina for DitzyDanzer (she's gotten serious about her Pointe and seems to be thriving in those classes) and Zman got his first Corvette (somewhere in the last 12 months, he's become obsessed with cars, talks about engines and such all the time).
Scott is dedicated supporter of the Hallmark ornament lines. This year he picked up a beautiful ballerina for DitzyDanzer (she's gotten serious about her Pointe and seems to be thriving in those classes) and Zman got his first Corvette (somewhere in the last 12 months, he's become obsessed with cars, talks about engines and such all the time).
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Fun Begins

I started my Christmas shopping several weeks ago and took a big bite out of it this weekend with our annual post Thanksgiving shopping trip. All the shopping fun is just that... FUN. For me, the Christmas season begins when we pull out the stack of gifts and the beautiful paper with the ribbon, bows and tags. Believe it or not, my compulsive tendencies come out with this little ritual. I spend countless hours planning my gift color scheme then picking out two coordinating papers and all the trimmings. This year's theme... gold and cream. Ditzy Danzer and I have gotten started and its officially Christmas time.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
They grow up so fast
Flash back to April 2007... Nana and Papa make a quick run to Rural King on Saturday morning and come home to tell Scott and I about these adorable baby bunnies that "the kids would just love!" So we loaded them up and headed over to "take a look." Two hours later we arrived home with two new additions to the family. Meet Hip and Hop.

We started out using Creative C's rabbit hutch however by last winter it became apparent that, as luck would have it, we had brought home a male and female. We immediately got to work on a duplex and within ten days they love birds were separated. Did you know that bunnies can conceive within seven days of giving birth? So here's a look at Hip and Hop today...
We started out using Creative C's rabbit hutch however by last winter it became apparent that, as luck would have it, we had brought home a male and female. We immediately got to work on a duplex and within ten days they love birds were separated. Did you know that bunnies can conceive within seven days of giving birth? So here's a look at Hip and Hop today...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Phase 2
Phase 2 has proven successful. Sassy not only tolerates the new sleeping quarters, she seems quite happy about the new arrangement. Next up a roof... Zman and I will start working on that this weekend. DitzyDanzer is quite impatient as we have given her free reign of the decorating once the project is complete. She's working on her color scheme now. Something fun but not tacky is what she working towards...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cub Scouts... it's a family thing!
Once a month Cub Scouts has a full pack meeting. Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos (and their families) descend upon the KC Hall (who generously donates their facility anytime their called upon). Our fearless cubmaster duo pack the next hour with all kinds of fun. The evening starts off with roll call where you will hear den chants ranging from "Bears in the house" to an indian war cry, followed by presentation of awards. As the boys earn their various badges, pins and belt loops, they are recognized publically for their achievements.

Last night we were honored to have a WWII veteran there to talk about his experience flying in a B52 bomber. Additionally he talked to the boys about being shot down and spending more than 14 months in various European prison camps. I don't know that I've ever been so proud of our boys... they sat in complete silence and listened intently as this man talked about the American flag and its importance as a symbol of our freedom.

Following our guest speaker the boys were awarded their prizes for their participation in this year's popcorn sale. As an added incentive to sell, the Golden Child offered up himself as a sacrifice. Any scout who sold $500 earned the privilege of "pieing" the cubmaster. Ten boys achieved this goal and last night Sassy Seamer and her girls put together 12 pies for the occasion.

Like a trooper the Golden Child sat in his place, trashing talking the boys as each took his turn hurling a pie at his head... ZMan and NoNonsense both enjoyed the opportunity more than words can imagine. In fact, DitzyDanzer wants to sell popcorn next year just so she can get a pie next year.
Last night we were honored to have a WWII veteran there to talk about his experience flying in a B52 bomber. Additionally he talked to the boys about being shot down and spending more than 14 months in various European prison camps. I don't know that I've ever been so proud of our boys... they sat in complete silence and listened intently as this man talked about the American flag and its importance as a symbol of our freedom.
Following our guest speaker the boys were awarded their prizes for their participation in this year's popcorn sale. As an added incentive to sell, the Golden Child offered up himself as a sacrifice. Any scout who sold $500 earned the privilege of "pieing" the cubmaster. Ten boys achieved this goal and last night Sassy Seamer and her girls put together 12 pies for the occasion.
Like a trooper the Golden Child sat in his place, trashing talking the boys as each took his turn hurling a pie at his head... ZMan and NoNonsense both enjoyed the opportunity more than words can imagine. In fact, DitzyDanzer wants to sell popcorn next year just so she can get a pie next year.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Under Construction...
Zachary and I have been hard at work this week on a little construction project for Sassy, our 9 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever. A little background information is probably necessary here. Sassy is a bit stubborn and quirky. Quirky in that she refuses to go in a dog house, stubborn in that she'll lay out in the rain on freezing concrete instead. Quite frankly she's not as spry as she once was and I've been very worried about her coming into the winter so I've come up with a little plan to trick her. We're going to put together a dog house for her in phases. Step 1: Several months ago we put a pallet in her kennel and she's grown quite used to sleeping on that (it at least has gotten her off the concrete). ACCOMPLISHED. Step 2: Zachary and I have built (yes, you read that right) three walls that we are going to add. After she gets used to the walls, we'll add a front and hopefully a roof someday. We're hoping that she'll adapt. Time will tell.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Some Things Never Change...
You know Ditzy Danzer is 14 now and spends most of her time thinking that I'm some sort of alien from another planet. There are very few moments when she can relate to me. However, there are those moments when she looks at me with different eyes. When she sees something other than MOM. For example, last Saturday night we hit the road about 6 pm on our way to St. Louis to spend Sunday with the Huschle family. Supafreak had headed down on Friday so it was just the kids and I in the car and they were completely absorbed in their movie and I was alone with my thoughts. Well that was entertaining for me for all of 10 minutes and I decided to make good use of my free weekend cell minutes and picked up the phone and dialed up an old friend. Amazingly, she was in the car traveling at the time also. My sisters can testify that Andy was huge part of my high school years, but somewhere along the line we lost touch and haven't spoken in more than ten years. Nonetheless, we giggled and gossiped like we were 17 again for almost two hours. When I hung up the phone Ditzy Danzer looked at me like she had no idea who I was. Apparently, she had been keenly aware of the time and content of my conversation and what I read in her eyes was..."OMG, she's a girl." Yes, Ditzy Danzer your mom is a girl at heart and I can only hope that you create friendships like those that I've been blessed with. Girlfriends who, no matter how long between phone calls, can still share your triumphs and tears. Those are friends that matter.

I shudder to think how many hundreds of hours were spent on the phone with these two girls. Ditzy Danzer, meet Mrs. Roth when she was just Teenie Weenie and Andy, the voice on the other end of my two hour phone call.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Cub Scout Mania
The boys "recruiting" at the Fall Festival parade.
B and ZMan ham it up for the camera the Popcorn Kickoff!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm still blogging
I haven't fallen off the planet, I've just been working feverishly on the new store design. I'm just about finished and with a little luck I can turn my focus back to the family blog in a couple of days. In the meantime, I'd love a little constructive critism. Take a look and let me know if have any comments or suggestions. Note, the Welcome page is not working as I am waiting for my domain name to transfer there.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Next Best Thing
The greatest gift my parents gave to me was my sisters. As kids we fought like nobody's business but as adults they are my best friends. Creative C has a quote on her blog that I love...
Truer words were never spoken... (Can I get an amen from the Creative C and Bookworm!) The knowledge that Shelby will never experience that sometimes makes me sad. Then I run across a photograph and it reminds me... She's already got THE NEXT BEST THING!
"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister more than herself and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."
Linda Sunshine
Truer words were never spoken... (Can I get an amen from the Creative C and Bookworm!) The knowledge that Shelby will never experience that sometimes makes me sad. Then I run across a photograph and it reminds me... She's already got THE NEXT BEST THING!
Back when Aunt Carrie and Uncle Eric were cool...(aka pre-kids)
They are beautiful young ladies aren't they!
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