Last night we were honored to have a WWII veteran there to talk about his experience flying in a B52 bomber. Additionally he talked to the boys about being shot down and spending more than 14 months in various European prison camps. I don't know that I've ever been so proud of our boys... they sat in complete silence and listened intently as this man talked about the American flag and its importance as a symbol of our freedom.
Following our guest speaker the boys were awarded their prizes for their participation in this year's popcorn sale. As an added incentive to sell, the Golden Child offered up himself as a sacrifice. Any scout who sold $500 earned the privilege of "pieing" the cubmaster. Ten boys achieved this goal and last night Sassy Seamer and her girls put together 12 pies for the occasion.
Like a trooper the Golden Child sat in his place, trashing talking the boys as each took his turn hurling a pie at his head... ZMan and NoNonsense both enjoyed the opportunity more than words can imagine. In fact, DitzyDanzer wants to sell popcorn next year just so she can get a pie next year.
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