Wow, it’s been an incredible journey to this day. We are on the threshold of an historical election and I don’t know about you but I’m excited. For the first time in my adult life I was excited to get out of bed this morning and head off to the polls. I arrived at my polling place at 5:56 am to find a line of people waiting to get in the doors so obviously I’m not the only person who wants to make a difference. Regardless of your party or presidential preference no one can deny that these two men have brought our democracy back to the people. Through this process we have again begun to believe that we have a voice and that voice matters. Obama has been screaming “change” and whether or not you believe HE can make that happen, people are beginning to believe WE can make it happen. I don’t pretend to know who will be the best president, but thanks to this election I do know that our world doesn’t get any better until each of us gets up and gets involved.

What about you?
It was an exciting day at the Wade #5 polling palce. I waited to park, sign in, and to enter the booth.... I have never waited. It was the best waiting! To me, it means that I and all other voters can affect change around us locally, as well as have a voice in our country on a national level. By voting, we insure government by the people...for the people.
I voted..... WOOOO HOOOO!!! What an exciting time for all Americans!!!
I voted at the schools election for the President of the US but I'm not 18! And anyone, ANYONE who didn't vote isn't a true American!!!
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