I realize now looking back that I spent a good part of my teenage years blaming my mother for things. Generally speaking she had very little to do with any of it. But in my warped teenage mind it was easy to think that if something didn't work out right is was mom's fault. I know now that I was very unfair to mom. HOWEVER, there are certain proclivities that I've picked up from my mother that drive my husband insane. Probably the most predominate is my unwavering need to have a soda with me at all times in the car. This is not a joke or exaggeration. If I'm in the car I must have a soda. If its before noon I will sometimes substitute with coffee but only grudgingly. Then, to further aggrevate my husband, if we are within 10 miles of a McDonalds you'll have to take me through the drive through for Diet Coke from McDonalds. The bottle/can soda IS NOT the same! See you are beginning to understand why my husband finds me trying at best... So after a little soul searching what oddity of yours is directly attributable to mom, yours not mine!
Ooo... that's a good one. Let me think about it and post later!
I think my number one would have to be not leaving the house without makeup on. My mom would get up every morning and do her hair and makeup before she even got the rest of us up. I find my days don't feel right, even at home if I don't put on my makeup and curl my hair.
All day I was trying to figure out what crazy thing I learned from my mom, and I finally realized that waiting until the last minute for everything is my inheritance.
I have given this some thought. And while I have tried to fight the urge for many years I like things that sparkle, shine, bling whatever you call it. Now her thing was diamonds but I will take sparkle however it comes. That why I the musical's official "Embellisher" it's nice to have a title.
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