Sunday, March 1, 2009

We're still here...

To put all fears to rest, the Huschle family is still alive and doing well. We have, however, officially entered COMPETITION SEASON. Notice "we" not just DitzyDanzer. That's because once the craziness starts the entire family is affected. This morning DitzyDanzer and I headed off for Evansville so that she and her team could take the stage for their first competition of the year. What follows are a sampling of my quiet little girl once she takes the stage and the lights come up...

An African Tribal Revival

Hip Hop

Tap Anyone
A little bit of New York City jazz!


teenieweenie said...

It was a great day and Miss Ditzy sure did strut her stuff! Great Job!

LauraLee Shaw said...

OH, wow, you certainly ARE going to be busy. That looks like soooo much fun, though. :D