Thursday, November 6, 2008

Whose Idea Is That Anyway?

I would like to know why it is that society "encourages" women to endure various forms of torture in order to look good for our men. For instance I spent an hour last night with my scalp on fire so that this morning I could wake up gray free. Now if that's all that was expected of us that might be tolerable let's talk about tweezing, waxing, shaving that's required. What about stilettos? Don't get me wrong I love my heels but let's get real, they were obviously invented by a man. How about the curling iron. Whose brilliant idea was it to scorch our hair into shapes that God never intended. Then there's makeup, deep cleansers, masks... none of which are actually pleasant. Anyone try the Biore nose strips? Can you say ouch!


Blair Bunch said...


VicWags91 said...

I agree

Jess said...

Double Amen!! Did you like my shoes yesterday?!?! You inspired me:) LOL