Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What a day...

They were suppose to be doing more tests on Scott all morning so we waited to head down so we'd get there after he was finished... can anyone else forsee the doom...  We arrived at the hospital at 1:00 only to be told by a not so friendly hospital greeter... let me just say she needs to find a new job, prison guard comes to mind... who informed us that the kids were not allowed to leave the main floor lobby.  I explained (I'm proud to say) very calmly that we had just driven 2 hours for the kids to see their father and she proceeded to call hospital security on me... this is not a joke I was then "handled" by the security officer, gun and all.  Needless to say at the threat of getting shot I left the kids and mom in the lobby and headed up to see Scott.  At this point we have the option of giving the full story or a brief synposis, let me assure you, you'll prefer the synopsis.  I was able to track down his neurologist who wrote an order for him to be allowed to be taken by wheelchair to the lobby for a few moments to see the kids.  Unfortunately, his nurse was not so accomodating and we needed up finding a bleeding heart nurse he literally broke him out and rushed him down the hall.  As the elevator doors open and we are about to make our escape his nurse catches us and demands that he be brought back immediately since Cardiology had arrived for more tests...  Let me just say its 4:00 and we'd been waiting all day for the test but they chose that moment to show up!  Anyway, the renegade nurse sends me to the lobby to smuggle the kids up the elevator while she returns Scott to his room.  She returns to the elevator lines us up in a single file line and tells us to follow, don't stop don't talk to anyone, just keep going.  She takes us to the back door to ICU and informs the kids that when she opens the door Scott's room will be directly in front of them and they are to go straight through the door and into his room, again, don't look around, just go straight in.  She opens the door, the kids barrel through the door, past the cardiologist and right to Scott's bedside.  Our renegade nurse brings up the rear and leaving no room for opposition from the cariologist informs him that his kids are going to spend a minute with their dad.  That done, she helps us escape through the back door and sends them down to the sunroom on that floor to wait until Scott's testing is done.  She stresses that they can't leave the floor cause once off the floor they could be caught by security.  After his tests she loads Scott up in a wheelchair and brings him down to eat dinner with the kids.  This is the gospel truth, you can't make this kinda thing up and believe it or not, that was the synopsis!

Let me just say I'm thankful for Rule Breakers... I'm not sure how I could have gotten S and Z home had they not been allowed to see for themselves that Scott's okay.

I regale you with this story simply because we've got nothing new to report medically.  Several more tests today but no official results from his neurologist.  Not expecting anything to happen tomorrow and his doctor has said he'll be in until at least Mon.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support... A S and Z

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update on Scott

Thank you to everyone for the kinds words and prayers. If you were one of the 98 texts I rec'd today, I'm sorry I simply don't have it in me to tell the same story again and again. So here's where we are. The doctors have confirmed that Scott did suffer a stroke yesterday caused by a blood clot. They were able to administer the TPA and in our case at least it was a miracle drug. 24 hours after being completely paralyzed on his right side the therapists had him out of bed and walking. At this point is no residual limitations because of the stroke. He remains in ICU under observation only because of the possble complications from the TPA. They will be moving him to his own room tomorrow. We are now waiting while the doctors try to determine the cause so we can then discuss treatment/prevention options.

What I'm Thankful for Today... a family that is beyond words and a community that reaches out with love and prayers to my family. You can never know what your kindness means to us. THANK YOU!