Thursday, October 23, 2008


So Creative C "tagged" me yesterday. Apparently that means I have to reveal 6 random things about myself then I get to tag another blogger so here goes.

1. I DO NOT share my popcorn. Not with anyone. I'll gladly make you your own, but you can't have mine!

2. I LOVE heels and skirts. I'd wear them everyday if I could.

3. I want to one day have enough money to vacation in Alaska.

4. I believe a good pity party every now-and-then is necessary.

5. My favorite animal is a cow.

6. I absolutely love MA*SH. I watch it every chance I get.

Okay Jess and Laura, your turn.


Jess said...

It is always great learning more about you:) Thanks for the tag:) I was tagged yesterday, but I will do it again and maybe break the rules a bit. Have a good Thursday!

P.S... Don't bring popcorn Saturday... LOL

LauraLee Shaw said...

LOL. I did this once, but it was a TAD too personal. I almost deleted it. Anyhow, since we're friends, I'll share you the link:

Don't judge me! lol.